Here's my big sister!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First week back

Ugh! Every morning I have to leave this sweet face! He has been full of smiles and gurgles this week had taken very well to the babysitter. And... he rolled over yesterday!!!! From stomach to back! He is holding his head up very well on his stomach and is getting stronger everyday! He is such an amazing little Tater Tot! I am so happy I have the weekend with my munchkins!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to work...

Tomorrow I go back to work and Tater tot goes to the baby sitter for 1/2 day... then 1/2 day tomorrow... then home with mommy for our last day home together. I am so not ready for this.. how can I go back to work instead of being home with something this sweet?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More Tate Pics

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog Neglect

Yes, I have been neglecting my blog. I spend absolutely no time on the computer anymore and am enjoying my little man as long as I have him home with me. We are both doing great! My sleep deprivation is starting to catch up to me and I have been really dragging the last couple of days but had 1/2 cup of coffee this morning and can almost think about starting my day! Enough about me though, on to Tate! He is a really good baby. NEVER really cries. Just fusses a little. He's a pretty good sleeper most of the time... We are just enjoying each others company for the next month before I have to go back to work. I have to say that I do envy the stay home mom. I know its a really hard job and you start to go crazy after a while... I stayed home with Karsen for 2 years except for a part time job I worked when her dad was home with her... BUT, I would love to be able to spend those first few years at home with him. It breaks my heart that someone else is going to see all of his firsts...
Anyway... here are some newer pictures of the little man... He looks so much like his dad!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Hospital Vistiors...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Weight Update

We took Tate to the Dr. on Friday and he is weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz! Almost back to birth weight and he had already grown an inch! My mom and Karsen took me to the appointment and I had them wait in the waiting room. I was not prepared for the Hep B vaccine and the PKU test that came next. He cries so seldom and is so quiet that my mom and Karsen were so concerned with all of the noise he was making they both poked their heads in from the waiting room 3 times to see what was happening to him. I made it through with no tears this time though! With Karsen I was sobbing in the corner during the shots and blood draws.
Not looking forward to the 2 month visit... I seem to remember lots and lots more shots!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

He is finally here!!!

Albert "Tate" Archie came into the world on Thursday, February 26th at:

weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. Here are some pics of the first couple of days of his life.

I started this entry when i was still in the hospital and kept falling asleep as I was doing it. We left the hospital on Sunday. His weight was down a little, when we left it was 7 lbs 11oz but Monday at the dr it was the same. No gain but no more loss. Today (Wednesday) he looks like he is starting to fill out so i am sure he will have gained some.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Almost there... but not quite

WE went in for our routine sono and OB visit today. The OB went fine, but when we went up for the sono, the Dr said his heart rate was a little high and he wanted to monitor me today for a little while. He said if it didn't go down, then he wanted to go ahead and take him today. As soon as we got down there his heart rate went down and they released me shortly after that. I know I wanted him to come early, but not quite like that. I have had the emergency c section before and I would prefer not to do it like that again.
On a lighter note, they measured him and he was measuring at 8 lbs 9 oz. Not too huge... They even said that might be a little smaller than that. My OB even said she didn't think he was very big so that was reassuring.
Well, the next time I leave that hospital, it will be with a baby! I am ready!!!

Any guesses on birth wieght, feel free to comment! I would love to hear what is on everyone's mind!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why do People Have to Lie to Pregnant Women?!!!

Just kidding...
Well Prediction Day has come and gone and I am still pregnant. So, I hereby give up on all hopes and expectations of going into labor before my scheduled c section and accept the probability of a LARGE baby. Truly, my only concern about the largeness is the fact that we have SOOOOOOOOO much newborn stuff (diapers and clothes).
Well, that and the discomfort factor that I have here at the end which has taken my bitchness (we are beyond just plain bitchy and on to full blown B) to a whole new level.
So I am embracing February 26th as the birth date of Baby A....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Prediction Day

Today is the day that Amanda's mother predicted the baby would come (she works for an OB).
It is T minus 14 hours and counting!!! Let's see where the day takes us.

On a totally unrelated topic.... I am going to have to share my love of ice. I think it might be the best thing in the world. I forgot how good crunching ice feels when you are pregnant. I actually look forward to getting to work so I can eat more ice.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Good news

Everything is good, no clots, blood pressure is normal. Nothing else to report!

The wonderful shower... and serious stuff too

I have to thank Amanda and Lark for throwing me such a wonderful shower. I had a great time and see how blessed I am to be able to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family. Thank you to everyone who was able to come! I wish I had pictures to post, but I am a dodo and forgot my camera. My mom brought hers but she is definatly not going to be making any kind of a career change for her picture taking abilities...
I'm sorry mom, but we all can't be good at everything. You can sing, you can dance, you can decorate and dress nice, you can make cute burp cloths and cook, but you can't take pictures...
Now for the more serious... I have to go in today because of swelling. My hands swell when I stand up for more than 10 minutes at a time, and more important, my left leg has begun to swell a lot more than my right. SOOOOOOOO, I check into the hospital today at 1:30 for a doppler on my leg to check for a clot and then down to the doctor... I am sure it is nothing, but thought I would post in case anything happened and I had to stay in the hospital or something...
Hope for the best!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

7 lbs 7 oz!!!!!

Seriously?!!! 7 pounds?!!! They said the baby in measuring OVER 7 lbs... at 36 weeks... I am wishing and hoping that he comes very very soon because if this is what 7 lbs feels like, I don't want to feel 9+ lbs!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

34 weeks

Here is a sono of his little face. Evidently the bigger they get the harder it is to get a good pic. You can see his mouth and cheek and his eye. He is looking straight at us!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weighing in at 34 weeks...

We went in for another sono on Friday and he is measuring about 5 lbs 9 oz. At least that is what they tell us. That means he grew just a little less than a pound in the last 2 weeks. It also means he is in the 41st percentile for his fetal age. This is good. It means he is not growing at an alarming rate (so far) and the insulin is working (so far... we have had to increase it quite a bit here and there) and keeping everything functioning the way it should be. It is looking more and more like we may have an average sized baby!!! This is exciting for me being that the last baby I had was 8 lbs 13 oz... oh, and that I was at about this point in my pregnancy when I had her!
The doctor had mentioned the other day that she was going to let me go all the way up to my c section date to make sure he is as healthy as he can be and his lungs are fully developed. In all honesty, at this point I wish they had done the same with Karsen and just planned a c section instead of inducing me early and making me end up cesarean anyway... I think her asthma stems from her early delivery and I want to make sure he has healthy lungs all throughout his life!!!
We still are not set on a name! I'll keep posting as more stuff happens!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Birthday blessings... at work and home!

Yesterday was my birthday...was not very excited about it this year... But, I got to work and my whole desk was decorated, so that made me happy. Then they got me my favorite lunch (salad trio from Cafe Maxx - Cesar, chicken & cucumber) and then EVERYBODY came rolling into the office and they brought out a cake and sang me Happy Birthday. The cake had both baby stuff and birthday stuff on it so I was a little confused. Then they brought out my crib mattress... I don't think anyone else in this world has ever been so excited about a crib mattress but it was exactly what I needed!!! I was so worried about how I was going to get the crib mattress and they all pitched in and got it for me. Even the maintenance guys!!! Plus they got us cute hoodie towels and receiving blankets and onsies and a soft blanket. They gave me a little baby shower and a birthday party. It was a very special work day!
I left a little early to stop and get gas on my way home and ended up getting stuck behind a wreck and called Brandon all panicked. He kept saying he would leave and go get Karsen and to take my time... I had no idea he had already left early and was at central market getting my favorite dinner and flowers... I finally got home and he had it all ready- Chicken Parmesan and asparagus! Nothing could have tasted better. I have had a real love/hate relationship with food these days and NOTHING sounded good anymore. I ate my dinner and my nightly treat of frozen sugar free vanilla pudding and even had a great blood sugar reading. (I had been testing high at night so they upped my insulin again and this time it worked!)
I had such a great birthday and now we get to see Little Man today again at 3:30 and see how big he's getting!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

He's growing!.....

Just an update:
Went to the Ob yesterday and measuring 34 weeks (I'm 33 weeks). He's growing a little fast but not too bad. Still having a little trouble with my blood sugar. When I wake up its way too high, breakfast is perfect, lunch starts to drop but not too low and spike again at dinner. I'm starting to get more and more frustrated with my inability to control it no matter how much insulin I take, but I am trying very hard to stay positive. Maybe sometimes more positive than others but it is started to get discouraging... Oh well, I will pull out of my funk soon! Off to get round 2 of sonograms today!!! Maybe he will get me a good pic I can post this time... Last time I got some excellent footage of my amniotic fluid that look like big blobs of nothing. I am crossing my fingers for a profile pic!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Lots and Lots of Sonograms

We had a sonogram appointment and endocrinologist's dietitian appointment yesterday.
The dietitian went well. They had upped my insulin a bit earlier this week and in the morning it still wasn't enough so she told me to up it another unit. And drink milk. I had not been able to drink milk because it put my sugar up too high, but she said just give an extra unit of insulin and drink it. Plus she wants me to eat more and more often... Really? Before I went in I honestly thought I had gained 5 + lbs, but I was down a lb. Woohoo!
After that I met Brandon at Presby for the Sono. I will omit the drama that went with that and just give the warning that the cafe in the lobby of the Margot Perot building at Presby of Dallas ONLY TAKES CASH. This can cause uncontrollable sobbing in 32 week, diabetic pregnant women that are already an hour late eating their lunch. But, as usual Brandon saved the day and brought me a wonderful salad from the Health food store next door to his store which now has me craving egg salad... so we went in for the sono and it well too. He is getting BIGGER. The dr. says he weighs about 4 lbs 11 oz and has plenty of amniotic fluid. BUT... I need to have one every week now. Has he never heard of a copay? At $30 a pop, 7 weeks worth that is $210 PLUS all my other doctors and the hospital deductable!! I had already met it for last year but this was a new calendar year...
Enough rambling....

Monday, January 5, 2009

Head down, 32 weeks and counting!

Karsen went to the doctor with me on Friday. He is head down. Thursday we go in for a sono, so we will see how big he is and what he has been doing in there for the past 14 weeks!

Baby's first (and last) Cottonbowl

We got to go to the Cottonbowl to see Tech play this year. Brandon got an autographed ball, parking passes, tickets to the brunch and 40 yard line tickets!!! We had a lot of fun until about the 3rd quarter. Tech started losing and my back started hurting so we left. But I was a champ other than that and he was moving around the whole time from all the excitement. I am not sure if I could have made it without the brunch, though. All that extra protien and clean bathrooms made it totally worth it!